Author: Benjamin Cher

What’s Next 2016: Data, models and asking the right questions
Big data analytics has been touted as the next big thing, but some are still wondering about its effectiveness – an issue that surfaced at a panel discussion on Big Data & Analytics’ Dark Secret, at the second annual What's Next conference organised by DNA.
Emerging APAC countries rank higher in digital experience … kind of
Consumers in APAC’s emerging economies are happier with the digital experience brands are delivering to them, but those in developed countries are griping, an SAP study has found.
What’s Next 2016: The generational clash, and sharing vs privacy
The etiquette and processes need to be developed for dealing with interactions as they now become increasingly digital.
Steps to a brighter, safer, and more secure digital world
Data breaches and cyber-attacks seem to have become the new normal in today’s increasingly digital world, but it’s not all gloom-and-doom – there are steps you can take to protect your organisation.
Cybersecurity: Here’s how NOT to defend yourself
Restricting or cutting off access should not even be a consideration, while threat intelligence needs to grow up and become actionable, security experts tell Benjamin Cher.
Most APAC organisations breached, the rest don’t know they’ve been hit!
Asia essentially has a bull’s eye painted on it, and economic growth is going to make matters worse, writes Benjamin Cher.
Banks, the ‘millennials code’ has been cracked
The holy trinity for millennials is trust, relationships and technology, according to the author of the Millennials, Mobiles and Money: The Forces Reinventing Financial Services study.
Sixscape Communications wants to make communications secure
Sixscape Communications believes it has the technical expertise to tackle the niche cybersecurity space of encryption-backed secure messaging and authentication.
Everyday AI: Less Skynet, more Siri
The reality of AI today is less like Skynet and more like Apple’s digital assistant Siri, Appier cofounder and CEO Yu Chih-Han likes to point out, but that’s just the start.
Blockchain: More than just a one-trick (fintech) pony
Blockchain tech may have become a hit with the fintech community, but its usefulness extends into other industries where record-keeping and transparency are essential, says an IBM exec.
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