Accenture: ‘Human by Design’ technologies will reinvent industries, redefine leaders

  • Accenture Technology Vision 2024 on AI & other tech amplifying human potential
  • Here comes spatial computing, metaverse, digital twins and AR/VR technologies

Accenture: ‘Human by Design’ technologies will reinvent industries, redefine leaders

New research from Accenture finds the world is in the midst of a massive technology shift, as AI and other disruptive technologies become “Human by Design”—much more human-like and intuitive for people to use—and usher in a new era of unprecedented productivity and creativity. The research further suggests that as human-centric technologies wield even greater capabilities, are easier to interact with and become even more seamlessly embedded across every aspect of our lives, we are moving toward a world where the technology around us will become more omni-present, yet also more invisible.

Accenture’s Technology Vision 2024: “Human by Design: How AI Unleashes the Next Level of Human Potential” explores how after years of exponential innovation, technology—especially generative AI—is becoming more human in its nature. And as technology evolves to be more human-centric, it drives substantially greater capabilities for people to amplify their potential and reinvent business as we know it. According to Accenture research, generative AI has the potential to enable productivity enhancements across 900 different types of jobs and create at least US$8 trillion (RM37.92 trillion) in global economic value.

Accenture: ‘Human by Design’ technologies will reinvent industries, redefine leaders“Generative AI is set to become a mainstay and great asset in reshaping the workforce here in Malaysia. Many organisations are eager to adopt AI and integrate technology into their workflows and this shift will see a positive transformation for local talent. With the responsible implementation of AI, we can look forward to positive changes in the future of work enabled by 'human by design’ technologies,” said Azwan Baharuddin (pic), Accenture's Country Managing Director for Malaysia.

The study identifies four key trends in the move to “human by design” technologies:

Our relationship with data is changing –  and with it, how we think, work, and interact with  technology. The entire basis of the digital enterprise is getting disrupted.

  • A Match Made in AI: Reshaping our relationship with knowledge – ushering in a world where data is reorganized in ways that facilitate human-like reasoning and even mimic creativity. Instead of combing through mountains of search engine results, people will receive curated, personalized responses in the form of advice, a summation of a vast set of results, an essay, an image or even a piece of art.

Searching now becomes synthesizing and business leaders who reimagine how information works in the organization and equip their people with AI-enabled enterprise knowledge tooling will realize exponential performance gains and competitive advantages.

96% of executives agree that leveraging AI agent ecosystems will be a significant opportunity for their organizations in the next three years.

  • Meet My Agent: Ecosystems for AI – envisioning a world where AI-empowered agents work on behalf of individuals and are part of an interconnected ecosystem. These automated agents not only assist and advise us, but also take decisive actions on our behalf in both the physical and digital worlds.

Working together, they multiply the collective output of workers and generate immense value for enterprises that choose to participate. 96% of executives agree that leveraging AI agent ecosystems will be a significant opportunity for their organization in the next three years.

Spatial computing could grow to be as groundbreaking as desktop and mobile, ushering in a new era of technology innovation.

  • The Space We Need: Creating value in new realities – creating rich, new immersive worlds of personal interaction by extending our physical, 2D worlds into new 3D environments created using spatial computing, metaverse, digital twins and AR/VR technologies.

These new places and experiences will fuse our digital and physical worlds, bringing us together in new ways, fueling innovation and improving the way we work, live, and learn. In the world of retail, a third (33%) of consumers indicated they are, or would be interested in, using spatial computing technologies or devices for shopping today.

There has been an uptick in consumer-oriented development in recent years, a strong signal that the “human interface” is heading for the mainstream.

  • Our Bodies Electronic: A new human interface – using innovative, embedded technologies—such as AI-powered wearables, brain-sensing neurotech, and eye and movement tracking—to unlock a better understanding of us, our lives and our intentions and using those deeper insights to enhance the way we work and live.

94% of executives agree that human interface technologies will let us better understand behaviors and intentions, transforming human-machine interaction.

"Malaysia is ready for innovation and technological progress. We are making headway towards digital maturity aligned to the government's efforts to cultivate and transform Malaysia into a digital nation. We are very encouraged by the progress of the Malaysia Digital initiative as it marks commitment towards achieving greater heights with technology," remarked Azwan.

For 23 years, Accenture has taken a systematic look across the enterprise landscape to identify technology trends with the highest likelihood of disrupting businesses and industries. Follow the conversation on Twitter with #TechVision.


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