Powered By JOS Malaysia

Get your business on cloud

  • With a 6-decade track record of success, JOS delivers tailor-made solutions
  • 7-reasons behind slow pace of cloud services adoption among Malaysian businesses

Get your business on cloud

Cloud computing is today transforming the way businesses use technology. It’s become an essential solution for operational efficiency and positive bottom lines.

Without a doubt, cloud computing empowers businesses to run faster and more cost effectively than ever before by simply allowing businesses to pay for the resources they consume, when they consume them and bursting in scale when needed. It’s a technology adoption that businesses cannot ignore but many worry about the related transition issues.

Yes, operations still revolve around servers, storage and networking but the key thing is this - instead of debating on the migration related issues, software and ongoing maintenance, businesses can now spend more time innovating and creating new business opportunities and leave the cloud migration and management to an industry leader and specialist.

Thus, for a simple, secure and seamless experience in cloud adoption, it’s imperative to partner with a proven and reputable service provider that can confidently walk you through the adoption process.

JOS Malaysia, also formerly known as Jardine OneSolution (M) Sdn Bhd, is a trusted name to many in business and today, we are poised to help you make this technological leap.  


In Malaysia, the adoption rate is relatively slow but is expected to catch on. In 2018, International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasted that the Cloud-related services market in Malaysia will have a compounded annual growth rate of 23.8% over the next five years.

JOS Malaysia MD, Steven Soo says that its independence means that JOS will always choose the right cloud and security solutions for companies.

In assessing the Malaysian scenario, managing director of JOS Malaysia Sdn Bhd Steven Soo shared that companies in Malaysia are lagging behind the Cloud maturity curve. The pace of change is a tad slow because of a few factors like:

  • Understanding of Cloud. No proper definition. What are the benefits?
  • Understanding of Migration. Lack of knowledge, experience and planning to handle the migration.
  • Low IT Skills. Lack of skills to handle both hardware and software.
  • Security Concerns. Consumer concerns of data breaches if sensitive data is stored in the Cloud.
  • Unexpected Outcome. The consumer has a big doubt on the outcome as Cloud adoption is based on trial and error. If any errors occur, does cloud really help?
  • Existing Hardware Issue. To reuse the existing hardware or having it co-exist with Cloud might be very complex.
  • The Billing. The variable cost from Cloud services might impact the monthly operational budget.


A leading provider of integrated IT solutions in Asia with a track record of success spanning more than 60 years, JOS has a strong heritage in the region and have earned customers’ trust through a reputation for high quality, reliability and always taking the long-term view on their best interests.

JOS delivers tailor-made cloud solutions and a seamless experience for businesses to power the cloud adoption process.

Migrating applications and workloads to the cloud can be complex. JOS Cloud solutions are backed by strong expertise in cloud centre design and app deployment. They provide the right foundation to jumpstart your cloud ambitions in public, private or hybrid environments.

Get your business on cloud


The world of business is not slowing down for anyone. Malaysian businesses need to play catch up. Agile and flexible businesses who can cope with the accelerated pace of change will be well placed to seize opportunities.

It could also mean the difference between success and failure. Organisations need to be lean and efficient. However, equally important is the ability to rapidly scale up to cope with peaks and then instantly scaling back down again to avoid unnecessary expenditure.

  1. LOW OPERATION EXPENSES. Reduce time and expenses to maintain hardware & software
  2. EASY CONTROL & PLANNING. Provision huge computing resources in minutes, mitigate capacity planning issue
  3. HIGH FLEXIBILITY. Scalable services on demand to fit business needs


Soo shared that over its 20 years market leadership, JOS Malaysia has worked on many complex and highly sensitive projects, having been granted the highest degree of security clearance. This is crucially important to any client with sensitive or confidential data of their own; no one should have to take risks where security is concerned.

"The right Cloud architecture will put you in the driving seat when it comes to maximising your investments in next generation applications. Carrying a broad selection of enterprise technologies from market-leading and pioneering vendors, our independence means that we can always choose the right cloud and security solutions for companies. Let us apply our knowledge, strategic planning, skill sets and experience to manage your data center from the onset and right into the ongoing maintenance,” concluded Soo.

With 29 Services Depots nationwide, JOS MY has built a reputation of supporting businesses to adopt well thought-out Cloud technology solutions. Contact JOS MY today at [email protected] or visit www.jos.com to explore Cloud Computing in the Malaysian business environment.

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