Disrupt on tech startups: It’s about people, people
In all the talks and discussion on technology entrepreneurship and how to nurture startup ecosystems, a critical part that is often neglected is the human element, argued the panellists at a DNA-TeAM Disrupt session.
Face-Off: ABAF was a waste of time … or was it?
The Asian Business Angels Forum (ABAF) was held at the Marriott Hotel in Kuala Lumpur from May 23-25. Was it a waste of time? The naysayers and believers have a Face-Off here on Digital News Asia.
Point: ABAF was not a home run event
One gets the feeling that last week’s Asian Business Angels Forum (ABAF) did not accomplish its objectives from the viewpoint of creating awareness among high- and mid-net worth Malaysians on the options of investing in technology-related start-ups.
Counterpoint: ABAF adding value to the ecosystem
The value of an event like ABAF is that it is a chance for networking, building relationships, discovering interesting companies, and when the “courtship” is positive, an investment. In fact, money is the least important element.
‘Our education system is broken, but we’re going to fix it’
Mindvalley’s upstart founder Vishen Lakhiani had no qualms in publicly declaring what we all know to be the truth: There is something dreadfully wrong with the education system in the country. Only difference is, he aims to fix it.
Helping angels, and start-ups, take off
Malaysia should look into creating business angel networks and introducing tax incentives to help develop the entrepreneurial and start-up space, says a professor who has spent 25 years researching the subject in the United Kingdom.
Dotcom (.com) still rules
It may be the Asia Pacific century and Asia does have the fastest growing Internet adoption in the world, but when it comes to getting an internet domain for your business, .com still rules over other top level domains (TLDs).
Doorstep puts e-commerce in bold
Doorstep.com.my, an online retail business focused on the corporate market, has seen a quantum leap in revenue within a year. It is now looking for a strategic partner for an equity injection to help it expand into new markets.
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