Angel Investor

From entrepreneur to angel: Douglas Khoo’s journey
Malaysian entrepreneur-turned-angel Douglas Khoo of Qunar fame has a lot on his mind and is perfectly willing to share, as Benjamin Cher finds out at Echelon.
Digerati50: Aiming to be disruptive … again
Digital News Asia (DNA) continues a weekly series that profiles the top 50 influencers, movers and shakers who are helping shape Malaysia’s Digital Economy. These articles are from Digerati50, a special print publication released in January 2014. For information on customised reprints of Digerati50, email [email protected].
Digerati50: Personal growth leads to business growth
Digital News Asia (DNA) continues a weekly series that profiles the top 50 influencers, movers and shakers who are helping shape Malaysia’s Digital Economy. These articles are from Digerati50, a special print publication released in January 2014. For information on customised reprints of Digertai50, email [email protected].
Week in Review: How you spend the money
Entrepreneurs must be aware of the cultural and mindset difference between Malaysian and regional VCs, and just deal with it, writes DNA founder Karamjit Singh.
Singaporean duo releases open-source angel investment templates
Singaporean angel investor Bernard Leong and lawyer Huifen Zheng have launched a set of open source term sheets and share transfer documents that they believe would help both entrepreneurs and angel investors navigate the complexities of the legal documents associated with the fundraising part of startups.
TS Wong on MyEG’s RM60mil partnership with Cradle
MyEG is partnering Cradle to set up a RM60-million (US$19-million) seed fund; its founder TS Wong talks to DNA about what the fund intends to do, and why he is involved. gets an angel, about to seal telco deal, which developed the watch Over Me app, has got an angel investor on board, is about to lock in a government grant, and is expected to soon announce a deal with a telco.
Keep investors in the loop
As uncomfortable as the thought of investors as their ‘bosses’ may be to many founders, the fact remains that they do hold a stake and, as such, have both a voice and role to play in your company, writes Gabey Goh.
Catcha’s Patrick Grove in Australia Unlimited’s global achiever list
Catcha Group chairman and CEO Patrick Grove is on the Australia Unlimited: Global Achievers list; only one based in Malaysia
Angels with pitchforks, VCs who don't venture
The technopreneurial ecosystem in Malaysia is allowing the angels and VCs to dictate terms. DNA’s A. Asohan says it’s time to fight back.
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