Big 3

Week in Review: Make innovation rock for you
Karamjit Singh sees innovation as a common thread running through some of the stories in DNA this week, including Frost & Sullivan’s Global Innovation Centre in Iskandar Malaysia and Goh Thean Eu’s telco recap for 2014. Oh, and Patrick Grove comes into the picture too with his impending iflix service.
Slugfest: Malaysia’s Big 3 mobile operators’ FY 2014 performance
Who’s winning the celco war in Malaysia? DNA editor Goh Thean Eu gets fiscal and crunches the 2014 numbers from Celcom, Digi and Maxis.
Malaysia’s mobile space: No 1 position up for grabs
The mobile operator industry in Malaysia is in flux. Goh Thean Eu crunches the numbers to see if there can be some clarity on who is going to emerge the winner amongst the Big 3.
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