Consumer Trends

Merdeka: For Malaysians, it’s about getting the best deals
Malaysians can’t pass up on a good deal and more are directing their online searches to seeking out promotions and deals in the weeks leading up to the Merdeka or national day celebrations.
Go digital or lose the Asian consumer: Accenture
The Consumer Packaged Goods industry needs to enhance its digital capabilities to reach Asian consumers, according to a study by Accenture.
Ini dia 10 tren konsumen 2016 versi Ericsson
Tidak semua tren relevan dengan masyarakat Indonesia saat ini Proses peralihan dan adopsi teknologi akan semakin cepat MEMASUKI 2016 Ericsson kembali melakukan riset mengenai tren konsumen yang akan berkembang sepanjang tahun. Sejak didirikan pada 1995, ConsumerLab milik Ericsson sudah sering melakukan riset mengenai kebiasaan konsumen dalam mengadopsi perkembangan teknologi.  
For fashion tips, 'Millennials' turn to online video: TubeMogul
Millennials in South-East Asia are less influenced by celebrities than their parents, and prefer digital video to learn about the latest style trends, according to a report by TubeMogul.
The 10 hottest consumer trends for 2014, according to Ericsson
With 2013 coming to an end, Ericsson ConsumerLab has identified the hottest consumer trends for 2014 and beyond.
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