David Rajoo

Best practices for protecting against ransomware: Symantec
WannaCry has the ability to spread itself within corporate networks, without user interaction, by exploiting a known vulnerability in Microsoft Windows.
It’s time for cyber-insurance – even if you’re a small business owner!
As cybercriminals continue employing increasingly sophisticated methods to compromise their targets, security is no longer about if but when a company will be hit by a data breach, according to Symantec.
When it comes to security, screw the ROI and just do it!
It’s only normal for business leaders to be concerned about the ROI on any money they spend, but that’s missing the point when it comes to cybersecurity, says an IDC analyst.
Cybercriminals more patient, eyeing bigger targets: Symantec
In 2013, there was a 62% increase in the number of data breaches globally from the previous year, resulting in more than 552 million identities being exposed, according to the latest Symantec Internet Security Threat Report.
Symantec unveils new technologies to fight targeted attacks
Symantec has announced new additions to protect organisations from targeted attacks, including Disarm technology in Symantec Messaging Gateway and the addition of Network Threat Protection in Symantec Endpoint Protection for Mac computers.
42% surge in targeted attacks, small businesses have bullseye painted on
The recent Symantec Corp Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 18 (ISTR) revealed a 42% surge during 2012 in targeted attacks globally compared with the previous year.
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