Yahoo patents Minority Report-style spying technology
NOT content with spying for the US government on its email users, Yahoo now wants to include targeted advertising via smart billboards in its spying arsenal, writes Ajith Ram.  
Online extortion dominates security threats this year
2016 is predicted to be the year of online extortion threats. Trend Micro says it has already discovered a total of 79 new ransomware families – more than the whole of 2015.
Of the Dark Web, online sex offender registries, and paedophiles
In the Internet age, the only way to catch paedophiles is to aggressively search them out on the Dark Web, and if needs be, visit and hack into every single kiddie porn forum there is – which should not be taken lightly, writes Keith Rozario.
The global encryption war begins
Battle between FBI and Apple was just the start Malaysian Government yet to define its stance  
Apple vs FBI: What you need to know
If Apple sets a precedent by complying with this court order, then it will have to comply with all other court orders, writes Keith Rozario.
Silk Road reboots: For real, or just a honeypot?
Silk Road has reportedly reopened, though it is anybody’s guess whether the rebirth of the online drugs and weapons black market is for real, or in fact a honeypot, writes Lisa Vaas.
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