Hajime Hirose

MaGIC gets a Budget 2015 boost
Some startup and entrepreneur incentives in Budget 2015 only apply to MaGIC Good first step, but more must be done to attract global entrepreneurs: Pundits
Week in Review: The glass is more than half full
Ecosystem improving, new VC funds to launch, best angel tax incentive in the world Startups should not blame VCs for not getting funding, lack of exits the real cause
Japanese startup in KL raises angel funding
A Japanese startup that has made KL its base raises money from Japanese venture firm CyberAgent Ventures; and plans to make its app the ‘Waze’ of real-time pricing data.
Week in Review: It’s ALL about execution
With so many similar startups in the landscape these days, if you don't have a unique business model or technology, the key to your survival is going to be execution, writes Karamjit Singh.
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