Information Sharing

Cybersecurity: Why sharing is more than just caring
The global threat of cybercrime is too great for companies not to share threat information among peers, write Sean Duca and Mihoko Matsubara of Palo Alto Networks.
Cybersecurity: Some will choose failure over change
Many organisations can be too protective of their information, which often leads them to choose to fail rather than change, says John Michael McConnell of Booz Allen Hamilton.
Cybersecurity: Time for public and private sectors to step up
Securing critical infrastructure needs both the public and private sector on board, not just in terms of policies and legislation alone, but also in terms of participation and action, Benjamin Cher writes from the RSA Conference.
Threat disclosures: Governments still secretive
While threat intelligence and information from governments can be especially useful, many are reluctant to disclose such information, and this is creating a market misalignment.
Cyberthreat info-sharing on the rise: Fortinet expert
With cyber-attacks on the increase and the threat landscape continuing to evolve, the need for the industry to come together has never been more apparent; the good news is that it is happening.  
Companies resist mandatory disclosure, cybersecurity suffers
Companies are still wary about sharing breach information, fearing a loss of customer confidence and trust, as well as damage to their reputation, according to a panel of experts.
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