Internet Protocol

Nokia more cutting-edge, having learned from the past
Nokia’s new president for Asia South talks about how the Alcatel-Lucent integration benefits customers; Nokia’s ability to offer cutting-edge 5G technology, and why a multivendor environment is best for operators.
A cybercriminal’s guide to exploiting DNS
Cybercriminals are experts at DNS, and can exploit DNS because most people do not fully understand it yet, writes Ken Pohniman of Infoblox.
French IP player MyStream looks east with Singapore pact
MyStream, an international operator of high-availability IP (Internet Protocol) networks, has signed a partnership agreement with Nevigate, a virtual network operator headquartered in Singapore, for all connectivity services in Asia required by the former’s end-customers.
Tablet and video pushing networks to the edge
The increasing consumption of video content on tablets, smartphones and other devices will push the wired broadband networks that carry this traffic to their absolute limits over the next decade, Bell Labs said, citing new research in the United States.
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