
Malaysia: Where ‘disruption’ is an empty buzzword
Malaysia says it is serious about the Digital Revolution, but is it really, poses Khoo Hsu Chuang  
Opera set to sing longer
Windows 10 devices last 49 percent longer Feature will need to be turned on manually  BROWSER maker Opera Software has come out again with the news of one more built-in feature after recent announcements of an ad blocker and a VPN client. The company has now added a power saving mode to its desktop browser.  
Malaysia's Internet usage jumped in 2013: MyIX
Malaysia’s Internet traffic consumption has increased by 51% in the last 12 months, to a total amount of 349,277 Mbps,  according to the latest statistics released by the Malaysian Internet Exchange (MyIX).
Banning technology just isn’t the right remedy
Edwin Yapp tells us why banning a chat app isn't going to stop illicit activity in real life.
When I stepped over the edge
DNA founder and CEO Karamjit Singh on his one-year journey as an entrepreneur, and why he embarked on it.
UN control of the Net: Freedom wins … for now
The WCIT meeting in Dubai which discussed bringing the Internet under the control of the UN could not reach a consensus. A battle was won, but the war to preserve Internet freedom goes on, writes A. Asohan.
Google’s quest to reach the next billion
It’s no secret that one of Google’s missions in life is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful for all. But unbeknownst to many, Google has another ambitious aim – that of getting another billion people online, especially from developing nations.
Nuances lost in upcoming battle over Internet regulation
The lead-up to the hotly anticipated gathering of nation states in Dubai at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) to review a 1988 treaty governing the international exchange of communications traffic just got additional fuel thrown into the fire.
Debate over Internet’s fate to light up in Dubai
The fate of the Internet and how it is governed is set to take the global stage on Dec 3 when the United Nation's 193-nation International Telecommunications Union  meets in Dubai for the World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) to review a 1988 treaty.
Idea window closing for SI Camp Asia
Social Innovation (SI) Camp will be in Kuala Lumpur from Nov 9-11, marking the event’s first visit to Asia. The Call for Ideas submission period closes on Oct 19.
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