Jagdish Singh

Social media: Vox populi when terror strikes
In the wake of the IS attacks, Indonesians rallied around social media, Benjamin Cher writes from Singapore.
Why you should pay attention to LinkedIn
Your professional future will be influenced by LinkedIn whether you like it or not, writes DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi.
Next up: The Social Government
How can governments leverage social media? How would a ‘Social Government’ operate? DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi shares his views.
Six tips for a successful social media campaign
DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi shares the six key things you need to keep in mind when planning a social media campaign for your brand.
Five tips on social media community management
DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi shares five tips that will give you the confidence that your communities will be well managed.
10 components of a social media strategy (Part II)
DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi present the second of a two-part article on the 10 components businesses need to have or put in place for their social media strategy.
Attention, investors: Company disclosures now on social media
DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi takes a break from his regular series on social media marketing to look at the SEC’s announcement that it is okay to use social media to make company disclosures.
10 components of a social media strategy (Part I)
DNA columnist Jagdish Singh Malhi looks at the 10 components of a social media strategy for your brand, starting with the first five.
Tips on hiring a social media agency/ consultant/ ninja/ guru
This week, columnist Jagdish Singh highlights eight key things to consider when making a decision about which social media agency or consultant to work with.
Clueless about social media for business? Follow this …
Social media marketing ‘not-a-guru’ Jagdish Singh begins a regular series that looks at using social media to meet business objectives, with his experiences as a client.
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