
Bitcoin botnet ZeroAccess tops threat list: Fortinet
Bitcoin mining botnet ZeroAccess was the number one threat this quarter, according to the latest FortiGuard threat landscape report, while two new Android adware variants have climbed the watch list in the last 90 days.
Are you prepared for the next threat cycle?
Approximately every five years, attackers launch new types of threats and defenders protect against them. However, a confluence of factors makes today’s threats -- advanced malware, targeted attacks and advanced persistent threats – more damaging than anything we have experienced in the past, writes Sourcefire’s Ivan Wen.
Signatures are passé, you need AI to StopTheHacker
Approximately 2,500 pieces of new web malware released every day; zero-day malware can't be detected by traditional signature-based approaches. Start-up StopTheHacker seeks to address this gap via proprietary technology driven by AI that proactively scans websites for malware.
Ministry to PC makers: 'Play your part in curbing malware'
PC manufacturers need to do their part in curbing the pervasive nature of malware, says Roslan Mahayuddin, director of enforcement at the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism.
Hackers taking rootkit exploits to the next level: F-Secure (Updated)
While there has been no single major event that dominated the information security threat landscape in the last half of 2012 as in previous years, several new trends are beginning to surface that should be of concern to both general consumers and enterprises, notes a new study.  
Spammers working through the holidays: Symantec
Data breaches – security incidents where user information becomes publically exposed or stolen – are a serious issue for an organization. The exposure of customer data can lead to a loss of confidence in the organization by its users, said Symantec.
Scammers take to Instagram
The October Symantec Intelligence Report finds that scammers are taking advantage of Instagram’s popularity which has recently crossed the 100-million user mark. The scammers are approaching it from a variety of angles, in much the same way as they have on other social networks, Symantec said in a statement.  
F-Secure adds security layer for banking
F-Secure has released its Banking Protection feature in response to cybercriminals and their use of increasingly sophisticated financial malware.
New malware worms its way through Skype
Trend Micro has reported a Skype-based campaign aimed at spreading malicious software with users facing more waves of spammed messages.  
Android 'solar charging' app actually steals contact data: Symantec
Symantec said it has discovered an Android app – Android.Sumzand – that claims to convert the smartphone screen into a solar panel that can charge the battery, but actually steals contact data.
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