National Policy

Broadband in Asean: Malaysia not that bad actually
Most Asean countries have strong broadband plans, but room for improvement Malaysia and Singapore ahead of the curve, former faces more challenges though
Week in Review: TeAM in angst over Gen Y disconnect
Karamjit Singh feels the Technopreneur Association of Malaysia need not despair over its inability to connect to Gen Y. There are other generations of entrepreneurs whom it should focus on helping.
Asia’s mobile-enabled transformation needs regulatory support: GSMA
Asia’s position at the forefront of mobile innovation is secured, but in order to fully leverage its transformative potential, regulatory frameworks and taxation policies are needed, said the GSMA.
TeAM launches Policy Institute
The Technopreneurs Association of Malaysia has formed the ‘TeAM Policy Institute,’ which has issued an open invitation for all to attend its first discussion.
ICT policies and the ‘blahdi garment’ reflex
The government’s track record when it comes to openness, transparency and accountability has been so woeful that Malaysians feel disenfranchised, lacking a voice and slow to trust anything that comes out of Putrajaya. When somebody feels cornered, they lash out — and usually it is at the most easily identified target.
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