New Media

The ICT ecosystem and the Fourth Estate
A comment on Facebook has got A. Asohan thinking and lamenting about how very few people, including some journalists themselves, know what the role of the media is.
Singapore’s online media rules spur protests, Malaysians brace themselves
The Singapore Government’s move last week to regulate online news, including the local edition of Yahoo News, has resulted in public protests while Malaysians are watching developments closely after one of their own ministers said the Malaysian Government might follow suit.
Online news exploit, or being exploited?
While more Malaysians are going online to get their news fix, few realize just how vulnerable they are to cyber-threats.
Spotlight trained on Malaysia’s 'social media' election
Will social media and its associated tools make a difference in Malaysia's 13th General Election? Edwin Yapp looks backs on developments and concludes that it will, but warns that netizens and voters must be careful how to interpret information that will undoubtedly be flying about this season.
Journos and bloggers revisited: What’s the diff?
After scolding PR agencies for not being able to tell the difference between bloggers and journalists, A. Asohan now has the tough job trying to explain it all.
Information wants to be free, so we won’t pay for it
Many Malaysian websites seem unaware that intellectual property rights apply to online content as well, while others are more unscrupulous -- confident that they can get away with copying and pasting others’ content.
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