
Nokia’s struggle an ominous sign for Pikom?
Pikom has to find the next big consumer wave to replace its ebbing PC Fair. Can it succeed?
Microsoft unveils Windows Phone 8
Microsoft Corp unveiled its Windows Phone 8 smartphone operating system, and showcased a range of new smartphones from Nokia, Samsung and HTC, each with their own differentiated designs, colors and features. Major mobile operators and handset partners across Asia Pacific will start selling Windows Phone 8 in the coming weeks, it said.
Smartphone vendors: Nokia out of the Top 5, RIM in
The worldwide mobile phone market grew 2.4% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2012, driven by heavyweights Samsung and Apple as Nokia dropped off the Top 5 list of smartphone vendors and RIM made it in.
Mobile phone sales down 2.3% worldwide, smartphone sales up 42.7%
Worldwide sales of mobile phones to end-users was at 419 million units in the second quarter of 2012, a 2.3% decline from the second quarter of 2011, according to Gartner Inc. Smartphone sales accounted for 36.7% of total mobile phone sales and grew 42.7% in the same period.
App stores gaining ground in emerging markets: Ovum
App stores are gaining ground in the emerging markets of Asia Pacific, the Middle East, South and Central America and Africa as smartphone penetration increases and users seek a richer experience on their mobile devices, says analyst firm Ovum.
Smartphones to lead mobile phone growth: Ovum
Smartphones are poised to surpass the overall global market for mobile phones, according to research firm Ovum, with Android set to rule the roost.
What CEOs and the Beautiful Game have in common
In the business world, as with football, statistics may mean very little to companies battling it out with their competitors. Every battle a company goes into with its competitors is a battle unto itself. Even if a company had won the previous rounds, or was the undisputed champion from its past life, it must still compete as if the next battle is a fresh new one.
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