
Level playing field needed for govt cloud procurement: Ovum
Cloud services policies are being developed and iterated in all jurisdictions. However, policy-makers need to work harder to create a level playing field for cloud services adoption, mindful of the potential Type I and Type II procurement errors, says global analyst firm Ovum.
Will LTE rescue mobile operators?
With the advent of Long Term Evolution (LTE), mobile operators are gearing up for what many industry observers believe to be one of the most important inflection points in the wireless business since the industry went from analogue to digital. Edwin Yapp explores why.
Social messaging apps will cost operators US$32.6bil: Ovum
Research firm Ovum has forecast that social messaging apps will cost operators US$32.6 billion in 2013, growing to over US$86 billion in 2020, with pace in the space picking up this year.
Will Facebook Home make an impact with consumers?
The speculation that Facebook was going to launch its own mobile phone came to naught last week with the social networking giant merely introducing a more tightly-integrated functionality with a selected number of Android-based smartphones. Edwin Yapp examines why.
Networking needs a new paradigm in SDN: Gartner
Enterprises today are increasingly more driven by on-demand data, much of which is unstructured in nature. These organizations are also faced with a variety of data sets – not just words and pictures but also video and social media feeds.
LTE gestation to take time
Long Term Evolution (LTE) may have come to Malaysia but the gestation period for its widespread use might take longer than mobile operators may like, writes Edwin Yapp.
As Galaxy S4 arrives, questions emerge over what next for device makers
The Samsung Galaxy S4 was introduced on March 15, but as the world goes ga-ga over its features, there are questions over what the future holds for the Korean giant, writes Edwin Yapp.
Ovum predicts radical change for the enterprise landscape by 2020
Future employees will face a very different work life from today – never tethered to one location and able to share and access knowledge more easily – thanks to the acceleration of consumerization and the influx of devices and platforms entering the workplace, predicts Ovum.
Does the world need another mobile operating system?
Does yet another ecosystem in the mobile operating system arena make sense? Edwin Yapp looks at the announcement of the Firefox operating system at the recently concluded Mobile World Congress.
Mobile operators vs OTT: No end in sight
Amid the glitzy array of smartphone and tablet announcements made in the first few days of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), there were other industry issues debated, albeit more inconspicuously, within the halls of the Fira Gran Via – issues that could threaten disruption in today’s fast growing mobile-dominated world.
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