
Software-defined networks still have some way to go
A new approach to networking is beginning to take hold in the enterprise world, making it cheaper and easier for administrators to manage complex corporate networks. However, such technology reaching mainstream acceptance is still quite a far way off, noted industry observers.
80% of BYOD use goes unmanaged, says Ovum
The phenomenon has entered the mainstream, but almost 80% of today’s BYOD activity remains inadequately managed by IT departments, leaving businesses not only at risk of data loss but unable to claim they took reasonable preventative measures, says global analyst firm Ovum.
As Apple takes center stage, iPhone 5 is evolutionary, not revolutionary
While Apple’s latest iteration of its smartphone – the iPhone 5 – met the general expectations of gadget pundits and market talk, analysts were divided as to whether Apple can win the long smartphone game in this increasingly fickle consumer-driven world.  
East Asia to gain from new optic fiber link
Four East Asian countries have banded together to lay down a new high-speed submarine cable in a bid to provide faster connectivity and higher efficiency for financial institutions to conduct transactions within the region, the BBC has reported.
Analysts, reviewers not impressed by new Galaxy Note 10.1
As consumers in the US prepare to welcome Samsung’s new Galaxy Note 10.1, an analyst believes that the Korean giant’s stab at the tablet market will make little difference to Apple’s iPad dominance in this sector.  
RIM introduces new MDM tool amid ongoing challenges
Research in Motion (RIM) has made available to Malaysian enterprises what it claims to be a cost-efficient, secure, reliable and scalable mobile device management solution (MDM) in the form of the BlackBerry Mobile Fusion Platform (MFP).
Apple cans YouTube from iOS 6, next-gen mobile products
Would be buyers of the new iteration of Apple mobile products -- iPhones, iPads, and iPods -- take note: These devices will not come pre-installed with Google's YouTube native application as the tech giant has decided to leave the hugely popular application out of its next generation software update and product lines.
Operators pressed to adopt Wi-Fi as offload strategy, says Ovum
While the rapid growth of mobile broadband traffic is pressurizing operators to look beyond the negative revenue implications of Wi-Fi as a viable traffic offload option, today's carrier-grade solutions do not fully meet operators' needs, according to Ovum.
iTunes Asian entry to have minimal impact: Ovum
The advent of the popular iTunes store in Asian markets last week is expected to cement greater loyalty for Apple products amongst its diehard fans but its launch may not necessarily endear others who are not Apple users to the store, according to an industry analyst.
‘Data buckets’ arrive for the connected person
A growing number of operators around the world are beginning to offer “data bucket” plans, which promises significant cost savings as they do not have to acquire and manage two separate subscriptions for a single customer.
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