Security Posture

SEA not ready for a cyber-attack … nope, not really
South-East Asia is home to a hodgepodge of developed and emerging markets with growing Internet penetration, but with no real capability in cybersecurity, warns one expert.
I’m a CFO and I’ve been hacked!
Cybersecurity is growing too dangerous and powerful to ignore and a head-in-the-sand attitude to this once nascent, now pervasive threat is no longer an option, according to a new study by the IMA and ACCA.
SEA countries lax on IoT security: Intel study
A survey on South-East Asian IT leaders’ outlook on the Internet of Things and its impact on the security strategy of the business has found very low levels of awareness and concern.
Cybersecurity is about people too: FortiGuard strategist
Conversations about IT security often revolve around technology and processes, and rarely about a third critical element: People. That’s a mistake, according to Jack Chan, a security strategist at Fortinet Inc’s FortiGuard Labs.
Wrong assumptions and common mistakes around cloud security
There are still some wrong assumptions floating about when it comes to cloud security, according to Phil Rodrigues, vice president, British Telecom Security, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, BT Global Service.
China-based group using new tactic to plant backdoors: FireEye
FireEye Inc and technology giant Microsoft Corp have revealed details of a China-based threat group which has been embedding hidden code in public websites and online forums to plant backdoors on their targets.
The advancing storm: Key strategies for cyber-defence
The global business environment leaves us increasingly exposed, attackers have become even more sophisticated, and the number of cybercrime incidents reported by businesses appears to be on the rise – yet most organisations are only defending against yesterday’s threats, writes Neil Meikle of PwC.
Trial by fire: Adopting the resilience mindset
In the era of the ‘always-on’ business, it is not enough anymore that you have top-of-the-line IT security tools. Your security structure should not be implemented according to a compliance checklist, writes Sebastiaan Wahlers of Accenture.
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