Software Piracy

What Malaysia bought from spyware maker Hacking Team
The Hacking Team leaked emails should concern every Malaysian citizen: They show not only possibly illegal actions by certain of our government agencies, but also a scary degree of incompetence, writes Keith Rozario.
‘Go Genuine’ campaign launched in Penang
The Penang ICT Association and Malaysia’s Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism), in partnership with Microsoft Malaysia, have launched the ‘Go Genuine Campaign’ in an effort to eradicate software piracy and counterfeiting in the northern Malaysian state.
Melaka first state in Malaysia to pledge zero-piracy, launches registry
The Melaka state government, in conjunction with the BSA, became the first state government in Malaysia to make a zero-piracy pledge and to launch BSA's Licence Management Registry 360 (LMR360).
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