
Telco Deep Dive 2018: Which way for Huawei?
Recent troubles are just a symptom of larger geopolitical issues between US and China Accusations of security vulnerabilities are both understandable and hypocritical    
Spyware: Government denial despite the evidence
The Malaysian Government continues denying it purchased spyware from Hacking Team despite the mounting evidence, and this raises even more questions, writes Keith Rozario.
The Malaysian Government doesn’t buy spyware? Yeah, right
The Malaysian Government has denied buying spyware from the Hacking Team, but Keith Rozario has evidence otherwise.
SEA journalists being targeted by hackers, state agencies
Journalists in South-East Asia are being heavily targeted not just by cybercriminals, but also state-sponsored hackers, according to a security report released today by US-based FireEye Inc.
Carriers using ‘supercookies’ to track users’ mobile browsing
Carriers in at least 10 countries have been using ‘supercookies’ to track their users’ mobile browsing, according to global digital rights organisation Access, and while there is no evidence that such spying is being conducted in this part of the world, users are urged to be wary.
Cyber-espionage groups starting to use Hacking Team exploits: Kaspersky
Cyberespionage groups have started using the tools Milan-based Hacking Team provided to its customers to carry out their own attacks, according to Kaspersky Lab.
DNA on BFM: Does owning technology matter?
In this week’s Tech Talk show on BFM Radio, Karamjit Singh is really struck by how an entrepreneur with no domain expertise was able to raise almost US$200 million for his startup while another, who started around the same time and has deep technical expertise and almost 100 patents, has raised around US$10 million.
Hacking Team leaks: We’re not out of the woods yet
Citizens and civil advocates may be reeling from the revelations that various governments, including those of Malaysia and Singapore, were using spyware from Milan-based Hacking Team, but there are other implications that are just as severe, Gabey Goh reports
Singapore is using spyware, and its citizens can’t complain
The Singapore Government is using spyware that can copy files from your hard disk; record your Skype calls, e-mails, instant messages and passwords; and even turn on your webcam remotely – and if you’re Singaporean, you have no constitutional right to complain.
What Malaysia bought from spyware maker Hacking Team
The Hacking Team leaked emails should concern every Malaysian citizen: They show not only possibly illegal actions by certain of our government agencies, but also a scary degree of incompetence, writes Keith Rozario.
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