
Pitches: Onus not just on startups, but judges too
When it comes to pitches, entrepreneurs need to understand that the judges have just about seen it all, while judges need to be engaged as well, and realise that livelihoods and dreams are at stake, writes Gabey Goh.
Week in Review: 50 to watch and be inspired by
Inaugural Digerati50 is DNA’s first print project Highlights those doing interesting & impactful things I AM clearly biased here when I say that Digerati50 is the highlight of the tech ecosystem news this week.  
JFDI.Asia targets accelerator hattrick for 2014
JFDI to run three accelerator programmes back to back in 2014 Now accepting applications, early-stage digital startups urged to apply
Digerati50: DNA’s first print publication
Spotlight turned on 50 players whom DNA feels will help shape Malaysia's Digital Economy First run of magazine available in your copy of business weekly Focus Malaysia tomorrow
Singularity U's Global Impact competition comes to Malaysia
The Global Impact Competition has been launched in Malaysia, a joint effort by Mindvalley under Project Renaissance, in partnership with Singularity University to find an idea that could improve the lives of one million citizens within the next five years.
A dream of angels ... investors, that is
DNA editor Gabey Goh gives flight to a fantasy – what if she had lots of ‘moolah’ and could become an angel investor?
Uber starts its engines in Kuala Lumpur
Car-booking service Uber officially launches in Kuala Lumpur with local team driving business Plans for 2014 include growing business in all markets, bringing in more car choices for consumers
Beyond the bucks
Success sometimes requires having the faith to look past the bottomline The question to ask is: What is the problem you are trying to solve? I AM sometimes asked by entrepreneurs for input on what their next venture should be or whether their current idea has legs.  
Disrupt: 2014 is going to be ‘Startup Malaysia Year’
Potentially over US$70 million in venture funding to be launched Internet entrepreneurs TS Wong, Patrick Grove playing major role IS Malaysia on the verge of becoming a fantasy come true for startups starved for funding?  
Disrupt #12: Addressing the Asean funding gap
Is there a funding gap because VCs in the region lack business experience? Or is the lure of India and China simply overshadowing Asean possibilities?
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