Term Sheets

Angels in Malaysia lack strong ecosystem support, but doing well: Survey
A pioneering report on business angels in Malaysia reveals that while the ecosystem for angel investing needs to be strengthened, angel investors are doing quite well for themselves, writes Amanda Tiew.
Bad terms are like bad dinner guests, avoid them
Investment terms are tricky and hard to understand, but Justin Hall is here to explain them – and why you should avoid the bad ones.  
Don’t get washed by liquidation preferences
Investors live and breathe term sheets and waterfall tables, and so things that might be simple for them to understand can be downright byzantine for most others, including entrepreneurs. Justin Hall gives some tips here – because if you’re not careful, you may end up with nothing.
When the first cheque can kill you
Few startups ever survive ‘bad money’ – money from predatory angels, individuals who attach unreasonable terms to the cheques they write, writes Justin Hall.
Legal eagles: The computer science-law mashup Legalese.io
Singapore startup Legalese.io has just launched, hoping that ‘software will eat the law’ when it comes to drafting legal documents for startups and VCs to use. Benjamin Cher reports.
Fledgling legal startups take flight in Singapore
Legal services still remain relatively untouched by the startup boom in Asia. Obfuscated terms and legal jargon provide high barriers of entry, giving lawyers a monopoly. But that might change with a couple of new startups making their debut, writes Benjamin Cher.
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