Threat Landscape

Worldwide info-security spending to grow nearly 8%: Gartner
Worldwide spending on information security will reach US$71.1 billion in 2014, an increase of 7.9% over 2013, with the data loss prevention segment recording the fastest growth at 18.9%, according to the latest forecast from Gartner Inc.
Basic security products don't cut it anymore: IDC
Despite knowing that IT threats are becoming more sophisticated, most companies today are still investing the bulk of their money on basic, fundamental security products, said research firm IDC.
DDoS attacks grow, era of botnets: Akamai’s Prolexic report
DDoS attacks are continuing in high numbers, backed by more insidious botnets, according to the Prolexic Q2 2014 Global DDoS Attack Report.
Cybercriminals more patient, eyeing bigger targets: Symantec
In 2013, there was a 62% increase in the number of data breaches globally from the previous year, resulting in more than 552 million identities being exposed, according to the latest Symantec Internet Security Threat Report.
Security industry needs to abandon fear and trepidation: RSA chief
Society’s digital interdependence now requires new norms of behaviour, more effective security measures, and greater cooperation, said Art Coviello, executive vice president of EMC Corp and executive chairman of RSA, EMC’s security division.
Malaysia’s security software market grows 12.9%: Gartner
Security software spending in Malaysia reached US$83.7 million in 2013, an increase of 12.9% over 2012, according to Gartner Inc. Meanwhile, worldwide security software revenue totalled US$19.9 billion in 2013, a 4.9% increase from the 2012 revenue of US$19 billion.
Security chiefs call for investments in ‘transformative’ technologies
The Security for Business Innovation Council, comprising top security leaders from Global 1000 enterprises, is advocating technology investment in three key areas and also recommending specific security technologies to better build anticipatory defences.
Massive increase in enterprise malware incidents: Check Point
There was a dramatic increase in overall malware activity year-over-year in 2013, according to Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Kaspersky launches interactive cyberthreat map
Kaspersky Lab has launched an interactive cyber-threat map that visualises cyber-security incidents occurring worldwide in real time.
Big data approach can help shore up cyber-defence: RSA
RSA's Art Coviello says IT security models that rely heavily on perimeter-based defences make it impossible to anticipate or spot unknown threats; the way to go is with an intelligence-driven security model, which leverages big data analytics.
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