Blackberry looks to regain its crown with made-in-Indonesia Aurora
First Blackberry smartphone manufactured with licence holder BB Merah Putih
Indonesia smartphone shipments decline in Q1 2016: IDC
According to IDC Indonesia’s Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, 6.5 million smartphones were shipped in Indonesia in the first quarter of 2016, reflecting a moderate 2.7% YoY (year-on-year) growth but declining 22.2% quarter-on-quarter.
Oppo aims to be No 2 in Indonesia, its biggest market outside China!
Speaking to DNA on the sidelines of the recent Oppo F1 launch event in Jakarta, media engagement officer Aryo Meidianto said that Oppo is trying to capture 20% of the smartphone market in Indonesia.  
Indonesia Broadband Plan, warisan SBY yang dilanjutkan Jokowi
Fokus pada ekosistem perangkat, jaringan, dan aplikasi Targetnya 560 kota di Indonesia terkoneksi pada 2018
Jokowi on a ‘startup mission’ in first official US visit
A year after having come into power, Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo will make his first official state visit to the United States where he hopes to promote greater awareness of the republic’s digital and startup ecosystem.
Nasib industri telekomunikasi di tengah anjloknya rupiah
Pengaruh lemahnya Rupiah baru terasa 1,5- 2 tahun mendatang Telekomunikasi menjadi kebutuhan primer melebihi makanan
Regulasi komponen lokal ponsel pintar, membingungkan
Memikul beban defisit perdagangan sebesar US$1.9 miliar, pemerintah Indonesia  akhirnya mengambil langkah memperketat aliran barang-barang impor dengan peraturan terbaru.
Concern and confusion greet Indonesia’s new smartphone rules
Indonesia has a trade deficit of US$1.9 billion, and its Government is trying to tighten the outflow with a new regulation could adversely affect the nation's vibrant smartphone market.
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