
Malaysia less susceptible to malware than emerging economies in APAC: Malwarebytes
The country ranks fifth in volume of malware detected in the country amongst other countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
Best practices for protecting against ransomware: Symantec
WannaCry has the ability to spread itself within corporate networks, without user interaction, by exploiting a known vulnerability in Microsoft Windows.
Hacker selling Linkedin login details
Data on 167 million accounts for sale Original 2012 hack bigger than thought   THE login details of around 167 million LinkedIn accounts are now for sale online by someone who is asking for US $2,200 for the whole lot, a security researcher said.  
First-ever case of mobile trojan spreading via ‘alien’ botnets
Over the last three months Kaspersky Lab analysts have been investigating how the Obad.a trojan, a malicious app for Android, is being distributed. It transpires that for the first time in the history of mobile cybercrime, a trojan is being spread using botnets controlled by other criminal groups.
Korean banks and media agencies under cyber-attack: Trend Micro
Trend Micro Incorporated said it has detected multiple cyber-attacks on South Korean banking corporations and media agencies.
F-Secure adds security layer for banking
F-Secure has released its Banking Protection feature in response to cybercriminals and their use of increasingly sophisticated financial malware.
New malware worms its way through Skype
Trend Micro has reported a Skype-based campaign aimed at spreading malicious software with users facing more waves of spammed messages.  
Zitmo evolving into a botnet says Fortinet
A new research report by network security firm Fortinet reveals a surge in Android-based mobile adware in last three months with new evidence suggesting that mobile banking Trojan, Zitmo is evolving into a botnet.
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