
Raudhah Nazran focuses on the micro to deliver her vision of 1 mil underprivileged subscribers
Helping underprivileged youth be independent through upskilling  Using e-learning app subscriptions to give underprivileged opportunity
Etiqa plants SEED for women and youth empowerment via entrepreneurship
Etiqa has launched its ‘Socially and Economically Empowered Development’ (SEED) programme to help underprivileged women and youth become financially independent via entrepreneurship and employment.
Unicef funding available for startups that help children
Unicef is inviting technology startups with the potential to improve the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children to apply for funding from its recently launched global Innovation Fund.
eRezeki programme for low-income groups officially launched
MDeC has rolled out the national ‘eRezeki’ programme, aimed at providing additional earnings to Malaysians with a monthly household income of below RM4,000 (US$1,070), also referred to as the Bottom-40 (B40) group.
Digital Malaysia’s Pokok platform to help underprivileged
MDeC has announced a new Digital Malaysia initiative to harness and coordinate greater private sector contribution in community and social development targeted at the B40 group, the lowest 40% of the Malaysian population in terms of household income.
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