Week in Review

Week in Review: ‘How’s business?’
DNA founder and CEO Karamjit Singh has decided that ‘How’s business?’ is a question which he refuses to get used to. He explains why.
Week in Review: There’s so much more to hackathons
We should start capturing data from the various hackathons organised so that we can spot trends and key information that arises from these gatherings of mainly technically literate young people, suggests Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: We are hustling all the time
DNA is working hard to make itself a great product for our readers and the ecosystem, but the best part is that our readers are playing their part too, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: The pain they go through …
One of the things we do not highlight too much when we profile entrepreneurs is the pain that they go through in trying to realise their dreams, writes DNA founder Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: Is listing the end or the beginning?
Today’s group of entrepreneurs do not talk about listing with the same fervour as their brethren from a decade past; perhaps for good reason too, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: It’s ALL about execution
With so many similar startups in the landscape these days, if you don't have a unique business model or technology, the key to your survival is going to be execution, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: Tip my turban to Singapore’s startups
DNA founder and CEO Karamjit Singh asks two questions: why are Malaysian homegrown companies not attracting the interest of global tech players? Why are large Malaysian companies not keen on taking equity into homegrown startups?
Week in Review: Angel, accelerator, the coolness of coding
If there is going to be a coding revolution in Malaysia, there are people to credit as its spark, writes Karamjit Singh.
Week in Review: Trust, security and standards, or lack thereof
It was a week that was all about security, trust and standards in the online sphere – and quite a bit about the lack of all these when it comes to Malaysia, writes A. Asohan.
Interested in my online bhangra class?
An e-commerce wave is surely forming in Malaysia, and now we have data from Bank Negara that supports that notion, writes Karamjit Singh.
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