SIDC launches new certification programme in sustainable and responsible investment for the capital market

  • Aims to raise competency and address talent shortages in SRI
  • SRI funds hold RM7.7 billion in net asset value at end 2023     

L-R, Tunku Alizakri Alia, chairman, MAVCAP; Mohammad Faiz Azmi, chairman, Securities Commission Malaysia; Lim Hui Ying, deputy minister of Finance; Abdul Wahid Omar, chairman, Bursa Malaysia; Tengku Zarina Tengku Chik, CEO, SIDC. 

The Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) has launched a new certification programme targeted at professionals in the capital market and financial industry. The Certified Capital Market Professional in Sustainable and Responsible Investment (CCMP-SRI) certification is aimed at raising the competency standards of professionals in the capital market to meet the growing needs in sustainable and responsible investment.

According to SIDC, there were 68 sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) funds in Malaysia with net asset value of US$1.63 billion (RM7.7 billion) as of December 2023, a significant increase from just seven SRI funds in 2020 with net asset value of US$309 million (RM1.46 billion), citing the Securities Commission Malaysia’s annual reports.

"Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in sustainable and responsible investments in Malaysia and a wide range of sustainable projects are being implemented. There is a growing demand for professionals who could effectively contribute to and lead in sustainable and responsible investment products, aligning with the evolving needs in the industry,” said Tengku Zarina Tengku Chik, CEO of SIDC.

The CCMP-SRI certification programme will incorporate a blend of eLearning, webinars/workshops, and collaborative learning sessions, allowing graduates to add sustainable and responsible investment principles and practices into their skill set and serving in roles that require an understanding of not only financial performance but also the broader impact of investment on society and the environment.

“Talent shortages present significant challenges across many aspects of nation-building, especially in our goals towards sustainability. Malaysia must continue to increase access to sustainability-related capacity-building programs. We need all stakeholders in our ecosystem to work together to make our workforce ‘future-ready’ in sustainable investment capabilities,” said Lim Hui Ying, deputy minister of Finance, at the launch of the new certification programme.

About 74 industry experts contributed to the development of the new certification programme including industry consultants, the Curriculum Review Committee and Assessment Review Committee members and is mapped to SIDC’s Industry Competency Framework (ICF).

The CCMP-SRI is available in two structured levels. The first level, CCMP-SRI1, is for professionals aspiring to upskill in sustainable development and SRI in the Malaysian capital market. The second level, CCMP-SRI2, is for professionals with foundational sustainability and SRI skills, aiming to deepen their expertise in transformative sustainability development, ESG structuring, ESG and SRI structuring.

More information is available at


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