Steve Jobs

Coding made easy
Tim Hendricks on the advantages of Low Code.
Are Apple Watch innovations good for consumers?
The new Apple Watch came up with two new features. Edwin Yapp ponders as to whether they are good or not.
Transforming your multi­-project startup into one focused company using efficiency, focus and determination to spark success
Powered by This is partly a story about a mistake I made by being simultaneously involved in multiple valuable side­projects as a co­owner of a startup. Due to lack of focus, these projects eventually began to decline in market share and value. Based on my personal experiences I hope to give other entrepreneurs some insight on when to focus on one project and how to do it.  
The 6 laws of digital transformation, according to SingPost
At the recent Forrester CMO + CIO Conference 2015 in Singapore, SingPost's Timothy Lee laid down a few laws to guide other companies in their digital transformation journey, reports Benjamin Cher.
The incredible strangeness of being Serguei Beloussov
Entrepreneur Serguei Beloussov returned to take the reins of the company he founded in 2001, setting a new mission and vision for Acronis. Here, he tells DNA executive editor A. Asohan what the challenges are.
The colourful life of Larry Ellison, and his resignation
Last week, the enterprise IT world got a shock when Oracle Corp announced that Larry Ellison, chief executive officer (CEO) of the company he cofounded, will step down after being at the helm for 37 years. Edwin Yapp recounts some of the eccentric moments in his life. 
Digerati50: The humble dotcom survivor
Digital News Asia (DNA) continues a weekly series that profiles the top 50 influencers, movers and shakers who are helping shape Malaysia’s Digital Economy. These articles are from Digerati50, a special print publication released in January 2014. For information on customised reprints of Digerati50, email [email protected].
Week in Review: Leadership lessons from Jobs, or Picard?
DNA founder Karamjit Singh ponders the movie Jobs, and wonders if he should pick up 'ruthless leadership' lessons from the Apple Inc cofounder ... or Captain Jean-Luc Picard!
The Ballmer hate: In the end, he was only human
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, who has announced he will be resigning, has had to deal with unfair criticism of his leadership at times, but ultimately, the market will out, writes A. Asohan.
Why in the world would Apple introduce the Mini?
In about a week’s time, tech behemoth Apple Inc is expected to hold an event, likely at its Cupertino, California headquarters. Edwin Yapp analyzes why Apple will finally get into the 7-inch tablet world, especially after its late founder, Steve Jobs, wasn't keen.
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