
The innovative crimefighters
TESS Innovation Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian company that is at the forefront of the fight against financial crime, with its exclusive range of software, and it has even bigger plans.
SMEs can ease cash flow with P2P factoring
Singapore fintech startup InvoiceInterchange seeks to solve SMEs’ cash flow issues with peer-to-peer factoring.
Big data analytics key to addressing fraud at the root
Setting up protection such as two-factor authentication or firewalls may only delay fraud from happening, at best; the key to solving the problem at the root level lies in banks' ability to analyse and make sense of the pool of data they own, according to SAS fraud and money-laundering detection specialist Rohan Langley.
EY appoints forensics head in Singapore
Professional services organiation EY has appointed Reuben Khoo as an EY partner and head of Forensics Technology and Discovery Services in Asia Pacific.
Rototype deployment to help Nigeria achieve cashless vision
New York-based and Malaysian-managed Rototype International has deployed a project in Nigeria that it believes will help propel that nation towards its vision of a cashless society that will also reduce money-laundering and crime.
Fico’s identity resolution engine helps thwart fraud rings
Predictive analytics and decision management software company Fico has announced the general availability of Fico Identity Resolution Engine 3.6, a software solution that it said improves personal identification to detect criminal fraud rings and other forms of crime.
Tackling money-laundering and terrorism with technology
LexisNexis is aiming its risk management practice at helping financial institutes use technology to tackle money-laundering and cut off funding to terrorist organisations.
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