Silk Road reboots: For real, or just a honeypot?
Silk Road has reportedly reopened, though it is anybody’s guess whether the rebirth of the online drugs and weapons black market is for real, or in fact a honeypot, writes Lisa Vaas.
Spy vs spy, apples vs oranges
Let’s not allow government indecisiveness or our fellow Malaysians’ apathy stop us from holding the US Government accountable for its actions, argues A. Asohan.
HITBSecConf: Security is all about mind-games – the good kind
According to Akamai chief security officer (CSO) Andy Ellis, perspective and understanding the motivations of other departments and colleagues is key for any CIO or CSO aiming to gain traction in fulfilling internal security objectives.
If it wants to, Apple can read your iMessages: Quarkslab
Security researchers have discovered a flaw which they claim gives Apple Inc the technical capability to read any iMessage, casting doubt on the company’s claim that conversations that take place over iMessage and FaceTime are protected by end-to-end encryption.
How the PRISM surveillance scandal affects Asia
Have a Facebook or Gmail account?  Been using Skype? Made any phone calls to the United States recently? Chances are the US National Security Agency (NSA) knows all about it, writes Dr Jeremy Malcolm.
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