
Four strategies to prevent data encryption from hijacking your network
To keep defenses strong while limiting the risk of security breaches and data loss, you need to decrypt, examine, and re-encrypt all network traffic.
Many Wi-Fi hotspots waiting to be hacked
Kaspersky Lab has found that every fourth (28%) Wi-Fi hotspot is unsecured and poses a risk to users' personal data.
Yahoo patents Minority Report-style spying technology
NOT content with spying for the US government on its email users, Yahoo now wants to include targeted advertising via smart billboards in its spying arsenal, writes Ajith Ram.  
Digerati50: No more hotheaded-ness
DNA continues its weekly series that profiles the top 50 influencers, movers and shakers who are helping shape Malaysia’s Digital Economy, from Digerati50 Vol 2. This week, we look at Xentral Methods founder Faiz al-Shahab.
Sixscape Communications wants to make communications secure
Sixscape Communications believes it has the technical expertise to tackle the niche cybersecurity space of encryption-backed secure messaging and authentication.
SMEs, here are eight steps towards secure e-commerce transactions
Faced with resource limitations, it is crucial for SMEs to concoct a well-thought out security approach right from the start, layered strategically to scale and adapt as the business evolves, writes Britta Glade of RSA Conferences.
Enjoying Euro 2016: 10 tips for beating the hackers
Neither employers nor employees may be fully aware of or prepared for just how vulnerable they are about to become.
Blockchain buzz: But what is it?
At its core, blockchain is a distributed, shared ledger with strong cryptographic controls, writes IBM Malaysia’s Lee Yu Kit – who expounds on what this all means.
Don’t need to explain what encryption is, just use it!
Governments and tech companies are slugging it out over encryption, but what does all this mean to the ordinary folk like you and me?
Microsoft retiring compromised browser certificates
Certificates using SHA1 algorithm being retired Browsers will report errors in sites using SHA1
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