Author: A. Asohan

MDeC now aims ICON program at Windows Phone 8, with Nokia’s help
MDeC's third iteration of its ICON (Integrated Content Development) program to foster the development of local mobile app content will focus on Microsoft Corp’s new Windows Phone 8 platform, in partnership with Nokia.
Alcatel OneTouch back in Malaysia … ‘with a vengeance’
TCL Communication Technology Holdings Ltd is aiming its Alcatel OneTouch brand of smartphones and tablets, formed via a 2004 joint venture with Alcatel-Lucent’s mobile phone division, at the Malaysian market for the second time, saying it was “back with a vengeance.”
DAP polls: If not the butler, you can always blame software
Opposition party DAP has blamed its committee election debacle on a computer error. If this is so, why did a human being have to quit, asks DNA executive editor A. Asohan.
Smartphone rebate turnaround: MCMC hung out to dry?
Even as the MCMC staunchly defended the reasons for imposing a price-cap on the contentious smartphone rebate for youths, the Government did a backflip and removed it, leaving the regulator in the lurch.
Make a personal commitment to the market: Lotaris founder Tibbs
Technopreneurs keep hearing that refrain about how you should show your commitment and passion for your idea by putting “some skin in the game.” Lotaris founder and CEO Robert Tibbs has his own variation: 'It has always been my business philosophy to make a personal commitment to the markets that support a business.'
How developers can ‘bypass’ Microsoft to sell Windows 8 apps
Swiss-based Lotaris has rolled out its in-appCommerce engine for Windows 8, saying that it gives developers an alternative  to using the Windows Commerce Engine and promising them a greater share of the revenue and a more direct relationship with their customers.
Angels with pitchforks, VCs who don't venture
The technopreneurial ecosystem in Malaysia is allowing the angels and VCs to dictate terms. DNA’s A. Asohan says it’s time to fight back.
The smartphone rebate just got stupider
Details of the smartphone rebate announced in Budget 2013 have just been revealed, which have got A. Asohan slapping his forehead in frustration.
Start-ups: Treasure your techies
Is too much of Malaysia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem being driven by business types, and not by the technologists – the ties over the t-shirts? A. Asohan ponders …
Malaysia launches national angel network
Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd, an agency under the Ministry of Finance, has launched the Malaysian Business Angel Network (MBAN), which will educate, train and accredit angel investors.
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