Author: Gabey Goh

Autodesk moves to standardise 3D printing with open source Spark
Autodesk caused quite a stir in May when it announced the launch of Spark, an open software platform for 3D printing, as well as a 3D printer.
CA Tech arcserve launches new unified data protection platform
CA Technologies has unveiled CA arcserve Unified Data Protection (UDP), which it claimed is an easy-to-use solution providing cost-effective backup and Assured Recovery across mixed IT environments – helping businesses boost the availability of critical systems.
Unified communications vision takes shape at Unified Inbox
With Unified Inbox, entrepreneur Toby Ruckert wants to change the way people manage disparate communications streams with his mission to create the utlimate intelligent personal assistant for digital lives. Gabey Goh has the story.
OpenRecruiters out to level up the recruitment industry
Jumping into the Asian talent waters is OpenRecruiters, a Singapore-based startup that believes its transparent and simplified approach to recruitment might just be the secret for success.
Early market validation is a must for startups
One of the first steps in building a business is finding out if people would be willing to pay for your product or service, but many startups seem to prefer skipping this, writes Gabey Goh.
On mobile, Criteo gets personal with permission
To help meet the needs of businesses seeking to engage via mobile channels, digital performance advertising agency Criteo introduced its in-app advertising solution in January. Gabey Goh looks more deeply at the implications and the promise.
Echelon: Advice and caution from 9GAG, Rotten Tomatoes cofounders
Founders need to ‘find the GAP and try to ACT,’ says 9GAG’s Ray Chan Be ready for those ‘black swan’ moments: Rotten Tomatoes’ Stephen Wang
Fifth Echelon off to a great start
The fifth edition of Echelon began with a bang today (June 10) with a capacity crowd of more than 1,500 at the MAX Atria @ Singapore EXPO venue.
eBay's denial aside, it's still Malaysian user data
eBay has denied that data claiming to be from its database breach being offered online were legitimate accounts, but the fact remains that the leaked data contains details of over 10,000 Malaysian consumers. CSM said it is investigating this, reports Gabey Goh.
BolehVPN’s credit card cutoff highlights privacy, payment issues
VPN service provider BolehVPN, which had its credit card pay processing facility revoked by its processing bank last year has been trying since then have its reinstated, to no avail.
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