GTCx, a dazzling preview of the future
GTCx Australia held in Melboune provided a brief glimpse of a future which included VR simulations and virtual babies for pioneering medical research, writes Ajith Ram.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella outlines plans to democratise AI
Microsoft hopes to revolutionise AI, like how the printing press changed how people created, consumed information It's never about the technology, says Satya Nadella  
The inevitable rise of the robots
According to market research company Forrester, by 2021, robots will have eliminated six percent of all jobs in the US, starting with customer service representatives and eventually drivers.  
New Nvidia GPUs promise better AI
Nvidia has unveiled new Tesla P4 and P40 GPU accelerators. A single Tesla GPU server can replace 13 CPU-only servers for better AI and deep learning.  
A tale of two smartphone manufacturers
Apple and Samsung post contrasting results. If Apple has to stop its inexorable slide into oblivion like many Japanese manufacturers in the 1980's, it has to get back to its roots of creativity and 'thinking different', writes Ajith Ram.
Developer denies inventing Terminator Skynet
Developer denies creating 'Terminator' style AI for Elite: Dangerous videogame. AI becomes too hard for human players.
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