
PrivyID banks on digital signature
Indonesian startup reaches out to unbanked communities in remote areas.
Halo slips on fintech players in Indonesia
Eighty-nine fintech players stand accused of unethical debt collecting methods, 25 are registered with OJK.
Mhub, Tongdun to co-develop mortgage financing solutions
Cross-border collaboration promotes cutting edge solutions to mitigate risks.
Lendela makes it easier for borrowers and lenders
While the rest of the financial industry is moving forward, the market for loans has been stuck in the past.
Kredit Pintar uses AI to speed up loan processing
The AI-based fintech targets millennials who prefer to use mobile apps.
APU offers Malaysia’s first academic qualification for fintech
Bachelor in Banking & Finance (Hons) with a specialism in Financial Technology commences in 2019.
APAC banks plan to offer Open Banking services to commercial customers
Many expect double-digit revenue growth as a result, Accenture Research finds.
SuperCharger Fintech Accelerator logs 12 signed PoC with 11 financial institutions
2018 cohort also closes 52 contracts with Malaysian SMEs.
Experian leads US$10mil funding in Jirnexu
The other investor in this Series B follow-on round is SBI Group.
HelloGold named Best Islamic Wealth Management Fintech Company at WIFA
Recognised for its digital applications facilitating financial planning, budgeting and/or savings based on Islamic principles.
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