
Alibaba Business School picks Malaysia for first Alibaba Netpreneur Training Program
First Asian country outside China to initiate program with support of MDEC, Matrade & SME Corp Complements eWTP initiatives, enables entrepreneurs to harness digital innovations, technologies
Miti, Alibaba host panel to explore cross-border opportunities for Malaysian businesses
Event brings together export-oriented SMEs to share their secrets to success in the digital age.
Fruitful Tokyo Game Show 2018 for Malaysian game studios
Local players impress visitors and publishers at latest Tokyo Game Show.
eBay provides Malaysian SMEs with opportunity to go global
Malaysia leads the e-commerce market in APAC, generating a revenue of US$2.3 billion in 2015.
Studio Kamii braves the console game scene
Undeterred by the challenges, independent studio wants to tackle console game development head on.
Malaysia's domestic focused SMEs lack motivation, expertise in going digital
SME Association of Malaysia president Michael Kang explains why SMEs are not ready to embrace digital and how to help them.
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