Digital animation survivor Inspidea gears for rapid growth
12 years on, cash-rich Inspidea is primed for rapid growth with the support of various government initiatives and its own track record.
Malaysian CIOs shifting focus from IT efficiency to IT effectiveness
The results of a recent IDC study commissioned by Multimedia Development Corporation show that Malaysian CIOs are staring to shift their focus from IT efficiency to IT effectiveness.
Malaysia and China in digital economy pact
Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Digital Guangdong (IDG) to spur government-to-government cooperation in the ICT sector.
Week in Review: Why we should applaud Zafrul Noordin
We should applaud the tenacity of Code Army founder, Zafrul Noordin, writes Karamjit Singh in his thoughts for this week’s Week in Review column.
Malaysia to appoint chief data scientist?
MDeC chief hints that appointment may happen in 2016 Part of Big Data Analytics Framework, expected to be ready end-2015
1337 launches Malaysia’s first pre-­accelerator programme
1337 Ventures launches programme to help first-time entrepreneurs get from raw idea to validated minimum viable product.
MDeC to host Big Data Week KL
MDeC is organising ‘Big Data Week 2014 @ Kuala Lumpur’ from May 2-11, with an aim to help Malaysia’s ICT industry build up its capabilities in big data analytics and spur opportunities for such products and services.
Digital Malaysia announces two new initiatives
The Ninth Digital Malaysia Steering Committee has tabled two new initiatives at its most recent meeting, one to accelerate e-commerce via a nationwide ‘cybersale’ and the other to improve the quality of life for traditional religious institutions (Sekolah Pondok) through crowdfunding.
Low revenue not a sign of ICON failure: MDeC
The ICON programme, now in its third iteration, was first launched in 2009. To date, the three ICON programmes have cumulatively generated RM440,000 in revenue. MDeC CEO Badlisham Ghazali shares his view on why the ICON programme is successful, despite the low revenue figure. 
MDeC and IDC launch second CIO Survival Guide Series
MDeC has announced the second volume of the CIO Survival Guide educational workshop series in partnership with technology market intelligence firm IDC.
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