Stephen Brobst

Deep learning maturing in analytics field: Teradata
Several factors have accelerated the use of deep learning in analytics and companies that are able to marry the two technologies together are reaping benefits.
Customer analytics still lacking in banks: Teradata
Banks always have customers’ data but they have historically not used it well.
Data lakes: Does size really matter?
Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst believes that a bigger data lake doesn’t necessarily make a company more successful.
Malaysia needs to accept failure: Teradata CTO
Malaysia may be ready to become the regional BDA hub, but it needs to address two main challenges: The talent gap, and the ability to accept failure as part of the innovation game.
We should drop the term ‘big data,’ experts suggest
Teradata Corp CTO Stephen Brobst said that one of the biggest mistakes companies make when it comes to big data is that they tend to put too much focus on the technology.
In 3yrs, the term ‘big data’ will disappear: Teradata CTO
Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst says that the term ‘big data’ is deceiving because it makes people think of volume; that the next big thing will be sensor data; and that marketing and IT need to work closer together.
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