
Digerati50: The entrepreneur’s journey: Family Matters
The humbling but enriching entrepreneurial journey of Zafrul Noordin has taught him to be patient and value teamwork.
Digital transformation a team sport, CIOs need to be captains
CIOs need to lead and play along with the other teams to ensure digital transformation runs smoothly for an organisation, says a senior Gartner analyst.
Lack of motivation is a virus
Motivation is one of the most important components of teambuilding, but often entrepreneurs, preoccupied with product development, do not give it much thought, writes Serguei Beloussov, who also offers some tips.
Six ways to make video-conferences click for you
While it’s tempting to join video meetings in a way that’s convenient for you, doing so affects not only your ability to contribute to the discussion, but also those of the other attendees, writes Shaun Wormald of InterCall Asia Pacific.
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