
Piracy is biggest Netflix competitor in Singapore: Lawyer
High piracy rates in Singapore may hamper Netflix's market entry Pricing will likely be adjusted and new payment modes made available
Media fragmentation an opportunity for advertisers: TNS
Media fragmentation has often been described as one of the biggest brand challenges of the digital age for marketers, but it is also a great opportunity for brand owners and creative agencies, according to market research firm TNS.
Internet did not kill TV star, it morphed fans: TNS
Almost half of TV viewers are ‘screen-stacking’ in the evening More than a quarter in Asia Pacific now watch online video daily on a digital device
The Sochi Games: A view into the future
Akamai’s Nakul Srinivas talks about the changing trends of how people consume TV content, and why the Sochi Games was a game-changer.
Another CES passes, another dream sold?
The curtains may have drawn on the yearly Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and while there was a myriad of gadgets, devices, and technology demonstrations throughout the week, pundits are still divided as to what the main theme of this humongous trade show was all about.
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