Author: Edwin Yapp

Telco Deep Dive: The hidden costs of app use
On May 26, Digital News Asia (DNA) released its first Deep Dive report, which looked at the telecommunications space in Malaysia. In this article, Edwin Yapp writes about an Alcatel-Lucent study that looked the impact apps are having on networks, data plans and battery life.
Telco Deep Dive: LTE’s elusive business model
On May 26, Digital News Asia (DNA) released its first Deep Dive report, which looked at the telecommunications space in Malaysia. In this article, Edwin Yapp explores the LTE landscape in Malaysia and wonders how operators intend to recoup their investments.
Digerati50: Taking on the world from Melaka
Digital News Asia (DNA) continues a weekly series that profiles the top 50 influencers, movers and shakers who are helping shape Malaysia’s Digital Economy. These articles are from Digerati50, a special print publication released in January 2014. For information on customised reprints of Digerati50, email [email protected].
Personalised connectivity, the next frontier for Apple
Edwin Yapp ponders the major announcements made at this year's Apple Worldwide Developer Conference and discusses the new frontier the company is venturing into.
A glimpse behind Xiaomi’s strategy
Edwin Yapp mulls on an interview he had with Bin Lin, one of the cofounders of rising star Xiaomi Corporation, and comes away with an interesting peek into its strategy.
Say 'hello' to the new Nokia
The  recent restructuring of Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN) that will see it being folded into parent company Nokia Corp may herald new beginnings for the iconic telco gear maker, but one analyst believes there are still challenges ahead, writes Edwin Yapp.
Disrupt: Startups, don’t neglect public relations
Even at an early stage, startups have a story to tell Cost of PR services vary; should leverage free digital media
Out with banner ads, in with performance-targetting ads
Since the advent of the Web, banner ads have been the most common method used by marketers and their companies to target users with their products and services. Edwin Yapp speaks to digtial ad agency Criteo to find out why this is no longer true. 
Smartphone maker Xiaomi makes Malaysian debut
Consumer electronics startup enters Malaysian market; cofounder bullish Handsets at near cost, aims to profit from cross-selling services and merchandise
Astro Radio powers ahead over the cloud
Edwin Yapp speaks with Jayaram Nagaraj, Astro Radio's head of new media to find out how his team a successful transition into cloud computing
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