Author: Edwin Yapp

Banning technology just isn’t the right remedy
Edwin Yapp tells us why banning a chat app isn't going to stop illicit activity in real life.
Mimos, HP in alliance aimed at spurring SDN innovation
In a bid to spur the development of software-defined network in Malaysia, government R&D agency Mimos has signed an agreement with HP Malaysia, which the two organisations claim would give an avenue to local software developers wishing to branch out into the nascent technology.
This year’s tech wish list, minus the hype
Edwin Yapp kicks off the year by reflecting on what big data and cloud really meant in 2013.
Sponsored Post: Gearing up for the cloud
Mobile players must evolve to stay relevant: Frost
The priorities for Asian mobile service providers (MSPs) in 2014 should include a comprehensive review of their service portfolios, the re-evaluation of what works and what doesn’t, and the introduction of new innovative services that will shore up their top- and bottom-lines, according to Frost & Sullivan.
Disrupt: No joyride for bumiputera firms either
The perception that bumiputera-led technology companies have an easier time winning contracts from the Government because of their purported special privileges no longer holds true, according to the DNA-TeAM Disrupt panel discussion.
Thinking of big data? Think business first, says HDS
One of the technology trends that have dominated this year is big data – a term that is ambiguous because it means different things to different people, writes Edwin Yapp.
Sponsored Post: Why is my broadband so slow?
There may be many reasons why your broadband connections are slow, but here are the three most common ones.
The business of going social
While enterprises in Malaysia generally acknowledge the power of social media as a genuine tool to boost prospects and create brand awareness amongst consumers, they do not comprehensively understand how it impacts their business, nor do they have formal methodologies to track its return-on-investment (ROI), revealed a new study by PwC.
Put customers in the centre in 2014, urges Forrester
The adage 'the customer is king’ is taking on a new dimension in today’s highly competitive world and enterprises that can capitalise on going beyond traditional customer relationship management will stand to benefit the most, according to a new study from Forrester Research.
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