Author: Gabey Goh

Exabytes and P1 collaborate to expand SME portfolio
Web hosting company Exabytes and 4G service provider Packet One have announced a partnership aimed at providing the small and medium enterprise (SME) market in Malaysia with end-to-end solutions.
Entrepreneurship, and when academia loses the plot
UTAR's Young Entrepreneur Startup Scheme is emblematic of the disconnect between academia and industry. More practical partnerships need to be formed with private sector startup organisations and institutions of learning, writes Gabey Goh.
Week in Review: Stand up and be seen
With 2013 done and dusted, and with more funding to be available in 2014, time will tell if this will be the year of startups for Malaysia. But in the meantime, there is a need for angel investors active in the scene to stand up and be seen, writes Gabey Goh.
Can we please start taking cyber-security seriously? (Updated)
The new year was marked by the defacement of several Malaysian websites, including those belonging to government agencies. While the incident did not result in sensitive or monetary data being stolen or leaked, the defacement of so many websites just raises more questions about the real state of IT security in the country, writes Gabey Goh.
Creating Kehmistry that mom could be proud of
With its product positioned as a 'pure dating app,' Malaysian startup Kehmistry hopes it becomes the de facto dating app for South-East Asia within two years.
2013: The year that was
2013 proved to be a milestone year for Malaysia’s digital ecosystem DNA celebrates the year that was with a series of podcasts on BFM COME mid-December, it is tradition for any news organisation to mark the end of every year with at least one or a series of retrospective articles to sum up the year that was.   And what a year it was for the digital ecosystem!  
For Dell, Asia is a matter of priorities
Commits to emerging markets with increased investment Expansion strategy to be on a market-by-market basis ONE key announcement that came out of Dell World, amidst the slew of new products and partnerships, is the company’s commitment to emerging markets.  
Now private, Dell revels in newfound freedom
Free from 90-day revenue reporting cycle, promises bolder moves and offerings Key partnerships, products and consolidated channel partner programme IT was the first conference hosted by a 'new,' privatised Dell. 
Deploying deception for protection: Juniper Networks
Securing web traffic the most significant network security concern for majority of organisations Deception-based approach to enterprise security addresses threats much earlier in attack cycle
Shopping online with TrustedCompany
New review platform for e-commerce sites aims to plug trust gap between buyers and sellers Eyes leadership position in South-East Asia as the go-to authority for e-commerce validation
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