
CAB2klia app offers easy KLIA taxi booking
Getting a taxi to and from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and KLIA2 just got easier with the introduction of the CAB2klia mobile application.
iOS and Android targeted by Man-in-the-Middle attacks
Akamai has issued an alert on the Xsser mobile remote access trojan (mRAT), which targets iOS and Android devices and which may involve cellphone tower eavesdropping for location-specific attacks.
Conficker worm still haunts SEA nations: F-Secure
Cybercriminals have developed more advanced malware and phishing schemes in the past few years, yet many developing nations in South-East Asia are still struggling with older attack vectors, according to F-Secure Corp.
Enterprise mobile developers stuck in old mindset: Analyst
Businesses globally are still struggling with building user-friendly, enterprise-grade mobile apps as their mindset is still stuck in a desktop-based world. Many also lack the skills to build good mobile apps, according to industry analyst Van L. Baker.
Trojans out for your credit card data and money, warns Kaspersky
67 mobile banking trojans recorded at start of 2013; by year-end, there were 1,321 Local money mules being used, hired under the guise of work-at-home schemes
A glimpse behind Xiaomi’s strategy
Edwin Yapp mulls on an interview he had with Bin Lin, one of the cofounders of rising star Xiaomi Corporation, and comes away with an interesting peek into its strategy.
Smartwatches set for prime time: GfK
According to the January and February 2014 reports from global market research firm GfK, which started tracking retail sales of smartwatches this year, the smartwatch market was already worth around US$345,000 in the first two months of 2014.
Free mobile security for consumers from McAfee
McAfee has announced a full-featured version of its award-winning McAfee Mobile Security is now available at no cost in 30 languages, as part of an Intel Corporation initiative to make security a more integrated part of the consumer experience.
Smartphones now make up more than half of all mobile phone sales
Worldwide mobile phone sales to end-users totalled 455.6 million units in the third quarter of 2013, an increase of 5.7% from the same period last year, according to Gartner Inc. Sales of smartphones accounted for 55% of overall mobile phone sales in that period, and reached their highest share to date.
Market dominance of Android comes at a price: Trend Micro
Android's open ecosystem is what smartphone manufacturers, app developers and consumers love, but this comes with a price, Trend Micro said in a statement.
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