Big Data

In the new world, the CIO challenge is manifold
Current technology megatrends such as mobility, social media, cloud computing and big data require a new paradigm in IT operations and CIO thinking.
Week in Review: How many more Ivan Tehs are there?
In seven years, without any fuss or buzz, Ivan Teh has built a company valued at RM700 million. He did it by targeting the enterprise space.
Fusing technology and business into a RM700mil company
Ivan Teh, who has quietly built Fusionex into arguably Malaysia’s top big data company and successfully listed it on the London AIM, speaks to DNA.
SAP and SAS in partnership to extend ‘power of the real-time enterprise’
SAP AG and SAS have announced a strategic partnership that they claimed would advance in-memory data analysis capabilities for businesses across industries.
In 3yrs, the term ‘big data’ will disappear: Teradata CTO
Teradata CTO Stephen Brobst says that the term ‘big data’ is deceiving because it makes people think of volume; that the next big thing will be sensor data; and that marketing and IT need to work closer together.
HP expands big data portfolio
HP has announced an expanded big data portfolio which it said was designed to enable organisations gain better insight into their data and deliver real-time outcomes.
Week in Review: There’s so much more to hackathons
We should start capturing data from the various hackathons organised so that we can spot trends and key information that arises from these gatherings of mainly technically literate young people, suggests Karamjit Singh.
Pulsate assembles its big data dream team
Pulsate Sdn Bhd chief executive officer Bob Chua has his ‘dream team’ in place to push forward his big data play.
Big data focus for CeBIT 2014, with theme ‘Datability’
The iconic CeBIT technology tradeshow will have ‘Datability’ as its main theme next year, to denote the impact of big data in conjunction with the required sustainability and responsibility with regard to its use.
Rising Hadoop use, but deployment challenges remain
The use of Hadoop as an analytic tool in big data is picking up but there are still some challenges, writes Edwin Yapp.
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