
Advanced threat activities by Iran-linked group: FireEye
FireEye Inc has released Operation Saffron Rose, a research report detailing the activities of a cyber-espionage group likely based in Iran.
Bitcoin wallet attacks surge, cyber-espionage ops resurrected: Kaspersky
Kaspersky Lab said that three months after it published its threat forecast for 2014, all three of the ‘end-user forecasts’ it experts had predicted were confirmed.    
Arm and train your cyber warriors on a cyber range
Cyber Intelligence’s Sivanathan Subramaniam makes the case for a cyber range, a realistic environment that is used for cyber warfare training and cyber resiliency.
Turla’s connection to the ‘worst breach of US military computers in history’
Experts from G-Data and BAE Systems recently released information about a persistent cyber-espionage operation codenamed Turla (also referred to as Snake or Uroburos). Further to this, Kaspersky Lab said its research and analysis team has now found an unexpected connection between Turla and an existing piece of malware known as Agent.BTZ.
Kaspersky Lab uncovers ‘The Mask,’ advanced global cyber-espionage ops
Kaspersky Lab’s security research team has announced the discovery of ‘The Mask’ (aka Careto), an advanced Spanish-language speaking threat actor that has been involved in global cyber-espionage operations since at least 2007.
The 2014 security outlook for Malaysia: Symantec
As the Internet of Things, the cloud, real-time analytics and other technologies step out of our imaginations and into our lives, so too do a host of sophisticated threats that we must address, or risk progress, writes Eric Hoh of Symantec.
Spy vs spy, apples vs oranges
Let’s not allow government indecisiveness or our fellow Malaysians’ apathy stop us from holding the US Government accountable for its actions, argues A. Asohan.
US spying, and casting the first stone
The Malaysian Government said it will investigate allegations that the US Embassy in KL is actually a spy station, finally acting after a string of revelations from whistleblower Edward Snowden, but its reticence may have come from the fact that its record on privacy is hardly spotless, writes A. Asohan.
USA vs the world: The problems with PRISM
Security professionals are 'surprised the public is surprised' over PRISM revelations Growing divide between USA and rest of the world apparent in PRISM stance
42% surge in targeted attacks, small businesses have bullseye painted on
The recent Symantec Corp Internet Security Threat Report, Volume 18 (ISTR) revealed a 42% surge during 2012 in targeted attacks globally compared with the previous year.
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